RoCKIn2015 Team Interviews

In the build-up to RoCKIn2015 being held in Lisbon later this year, we spoke to the teams participating to find out a bit more about their mission, vision and preparation. The interviews can be found by following the links below. More interviews will be added over the coming weeks so please keep checking back.


Team: Donaxi

Country: Mexico

Affiliation: UPAEP

Team: Watermelon Project

Country: Spain

Affiliation: Uni. Leóon

Team: SocRob

Country: Portugal

Affiliation: IST

Team: ROSolution

Country: Greece

Affiliation: Piraeus University

Team: BARC

Country: UK

Affiliation: Uni. of Birmingham

Team: Homer

Country: Germany

Affiliation: Uni. of Koblenz-Landau

Team: Trinity Robotics

Country: Ireland

Affiliation: Trinity College Dublin

Team: Ursus

Country: Spain

Affiliation: Uni. of Extremadura


Team: SPQR

Country: Italy

Affiliation: Sapienza

Team: b-it-bots

Country: Germany

Affiliation: BRSU